What We Should Know About The Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Have you noticed a lot of waste tires lying around? Is your city dealing with a waste tire problem? Do you want to set up your own business? Have you ever thought of combining your passion for entrepreneurship and tackling one of the biggest environmental issues in the recent times? The fact is that waste tires are a big problem all around the world.

Tires need to be replaced every now and then, and the old tires are simply dumped in landfills. These waste tires create a lot of problems as these not only look bad but are also capable of leeching harmful chemicals into the ground. In short, keeping worn out tires around isn’t good for the environment. Thankfully, there is a way to get rid of these waste tires and make money in the process.

You must have heard of the pyrolysis process in your science class. The tire pyrolysis process (El proceso de pirólisis de neumáticos) takes it to a whole new level. In this process, waste tires are the raw material. These go through the pyrolysis process and are converted into carbon black, fuel oil and some other products that fetch a good price in the market. You can sell carbon black as well as fuel oil to various industries.

As far as the tire pyrolysis process is concerned, it begins by cleaning the waste tires and chopping them down into around 2 inch long parts. This size is required for the most efficient pyrolysis process. These chopped up tire parts are then fed into a machine known as the pyrolysis chamber. This raw material undergoes the pyrolysis process where the large molecular chains are broken down into smaller molecular chains which results in fuel oil and carbon black. The fuel oil can be sold as-is to be used as a fuel. However, it can also be refined to produce diesel which fetches a higher price.

The pyrolysis process has been in existence for decades but the machines available for this process earlier were not as efficient as the modern designs. Also, the earlier models used to create a lot of pollution as all the gases produced during the process were allowed to escape which defeated the very purpose of pyrolysis being an environmentally friendly process. In the modern designs, all the gases produced during the process are captured and used in a profitable manner. The modern designs are also pretty much automated which means not much labor is required to run the pyrolysis plant.

As mentioned in the above paragraphs, setting up a tire pyrolysis plant allows you to have your own business and to help the environment at the same time. However, like every other business, you need to have a plan for the tire pyrolysis business (planta de reciclaje de neumáticos). You need to work out a strategy to get the raw material, process it and sell the product produced by the pyrolysis process. Therefore, it is recommended to get some training or work with people who have experience in this industry to learn the ins and outs of this business. Choosing the right Beston plant is essential to the success of this business as efficiency of the plant will have a huge impact on the bottom line of your business.

Overall, tire pyrolysis process allows you to get rid of waste tires and to create useful products with a high demand. It’s an interesting business model that is environmentally friendly and can be highly profitable when done right. So, take a look around and if there are a lot of waste tires around you, seriously consider investing in a tire pyrolysis plant to become your own boss.